Lighthouse for Veterans is here to remember those lost to veteran suicide, as well as as the families who have lost a loved one to suicide. We also exist to honor and support the veterans that are still with us and increase awareness and help prevent the tragedy that is veteran suicide. We are able to do this through donations, fundraisors, volunteers and community education. Twenty-two veterans take their life on a daily basis and Lighthouse for Veterans is helping to make those numbers go down.
Everyone on our board of directors is QPR certified. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, Refer - and is the standard for suicide prevention training. QPR teaches you the signs to look for, and then what to do / how to get help if you believe someone may be suicidal. Our President is a certified QPR trainer, and has provided trainings for other organizations, as well as for the community in general. Contact us today to have a QPR training at your work, organization, or even just for you and your friends/family. The more people who know QPR - the more Veterans we can save!
Veteran retreats are held 2-3 times a year for veteran's who are suffering from PTSD. Vets are brought together to spend a Friday-Sunday just getting away from the hectic schedules of life. We offer horseback riding, 4-wheeling, golf carts, fishing, exploring, hiking, crafts, bonfires and much more. We also provide all the meals and lodging and there is never a cost for any veteran. NOTE: Retreats are held in Morley, MI. Getting to and from the retreat is NOT included in the retreat, though we MAY be able to help. Reach out to us for more information.
Often loved ones are left wondering how they will pay for the funeral after a Veteran suicide. Maybe that Veteran did not have life insurance, or there is a limit imposed on the amount their life insurance will pay due to the suicide. We believe that dealing with the death of a loved one is hard enough. One of our goals is to help those families pay for funeral expenses.
At Lighthouse For Veterans we believe that suicide must be talked about. In our society it is a taboo issue. While suicide will never be a comfortable subject, it is necessary to discuss in order to combat the amount of suicides taking place today. By holding events and promoting them we are starting the conversation. Veteran suicide is a problem that will not go away until we learn to talk about it.